The most potent Scope 1 emissions from wafer fabs are fluorinated GHGs (F-GHGs), which are among the most potent global warming gases given their high global warming potential (GWP). The semiconductor industry has embarked on numerous initiatives to reduce GHG emissions in support of the strategic imperative to achieve a Net Zero emissions trajectory by 2030. The industry is pursuing several paths to reach this objective. These measures include researching different gas chemistries and recipes for etch, deposition and chamber cleaning steps, as well as improving current abatement and F-GHG monitoring techniques.
Spectrum Environmental Solutions (Spectrum) has developed a novel approach of deploying Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy instrumentation to monitor post-abatement F-GHGs in factory sub-fabs. Spectrum has developed an exhaust monitoring network solution that provides fab operators with a real-time dashboard of how their GHG abatement systems are performing, helping them meet their GHG emission goals while optimizing abatement system maintenance schedules, thereby minimizing downtime. This presentation will describe the capabilities of this multi-point extractive FTIR-based monitoring network and provide example dashboard outputs to demonstrate this comprehensive capability to the audience.
Spectrum’s approach couples our Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) technology with a multiplexing system enabling one FTIR spectrometer to monitor up to 15 different areas/sources/exhaust mains/exhaust laterals. incorporating several of these FTIR systems efficiently establishes a monitoring network for a fab’s exhaust system providing simultaneous, near-real-time analysis of multiple target analytes. FTIR spectrometers provide high-accuracy, real-time monitoring capabilities that enable semiconductor facilities to continuously track and analyze the composition of gas emissions during production. This real-time data helps chipmakers promptly identify any irregularities or deviations from expected emission levels. FTIR spectrometers enable comprehensive analysis of a wide range of gases emitted during semiconductor manufacturing. By accurately identifying and quantifying these emissions, chipmakers can take effective and targeted measures to reduce or eliminate these GHGs as well as continuously monitor analytes such as NOx and CO to remain compliant with permitted emission levels. Additionally, streaming the data to a cloud or site-housed database enables Spectrum to implement tools to deliver a customized dashboard to the end user that meets specific EHS needs.
By identifying the specific F-GHGs emitted during different stages of manufacturing, chipmakers can evaluate F-GHG reduction initiatives such as process optimization, implement cleaner technologies, improve abatement, or explore alternative chemistries to reduce GHG emissions. This network will also provide indication of poor performing abatement devices allowing chipmakers to hold abatement device vendors accountable to their destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) specifications and certified values. Improperly operating or maintained abatement systems can lead to lower DRE values in real-world production settings compared to controlled labs. Monitoring exhaust laterals in sub-fabs is a comprehensive and cost-effective approach to ensure that the net-zero goals of wafer fabs are on track and consistently remain as such.